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Our Vision and Values

Our Christian Values

Our overriding vision is for each child to have access to and participate in a broad, interesting and engaging curriculum.  We want our school to be a fun, engaging and safe environment where all children can fulfill their unique potential. Through our teaching and our pastoral care we ensure that all children are treated equally, with respect and kindness to prepare them to fulfil their potential and their role within the wider community. We nurture children's moral and spiritual development, promote the development of positive relationships and foster respect and co-operation.


Our twelve Christian values are rooted in Bible teaching and represent the fruit that grows as the teaching is lived out in every day life. Each term we focus on one value which links with the seasons and celebrations of the Church year. The values are explored through collective worship, reflection time and during RSHE (Relationship, Sex and Health Education) activities. We follow a two year cycle of values. Please see below for details.

From September 2023 we are in Year B.

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