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Welcome to Beech class 

Class Teacher's: Mrs Evans - Monday and Tuesday, Mrs Reichel - Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Morgan Monday - Wednesday all day, Mrs Salaman Thursday and Friday morning.  

Term 6

  School Value - Truthfulness 

Term 6 topic mat


  • Please ensure your child has named water bottle in school every day.
  • Please send children to school wearing outerwear that is appropriate for the weather as we will always endeavour to be outside for playtime. 
  • Please make sure that hair below shoulder length is tied back using discrete hairbands in school colours. 
  • Fidget toys of any kind are not allowed unless given direct permission from Mrs Reichel, Mrs Evans or Mrs Challis - please leave these at home. Children who are permitted to bring in fidget toys may bring in 1 small item that they must use appropriately.  This is to reduce distractions and disagreements within the classroom and on the playground. 
  • Please discourage children from bringing in anything that is not required. Our cloakroom is relatively small and with your help we can keep it tidy and ensure items do not become lost.



Reading at home is expected in Beech class at least three/four times per week.  

Childrens reading books will be changed on a   Monday

Children will take home 3 books for the week: 

  • Phonics level book
  • Reading for pleasure book (linked to reading level)
  • Library book

Please ensure you read with your children at home and write a comment in their reading record, that way we know the book has been read and we can see how children got on at home. 


Every child will receive a Maths booklet, which is linked to their learning in school.  One page is to be completed each week, which will be brought in marked on a Friday and put  back in book bags ready for the following week. 


Parent sheets will be sent out with each new sound to support learning at home so please do look in your child's bookbag.


The children each have a personalised collection of keywords that they need to learn from sight.  Some of these words cannot be sounded out, we call these tricky words.  Instead these words need to be learnt and recognised by memory.  Other words which can be sounded out are called high frequency words.  These words are ones that appear often in books and would be beneficial for children to also recognise by sight as it helps with fluency when reading.  

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