PE at Frant School
Intent: Train up a child...
We aim to provide a wide range of PE activities in school to make the most of our fantastic grounds. We have a football pitch, 2 tennis courts, a well equipped hall and a playground.
Opportunities for all children, irrespective of ability, to enjoy the range of PE on offer, to develop their skills, understand the importance of PE for their own wellbeing and to take part in team sports.
We have a trained PE teacher to teach all year groups and to support all our teachers with their PE skills and knowledge.
Our PE teacher plans all lesson to ensure the National Curriculum objectives are covered. Children in years 3 and 4 have swimming lessons taught by a qualified swimming teacher for a minimum of 12 weeks per year.
We offer a range of before, during and after school clubs across a range of disciplines.
We run many internal clubs - cross country, tag rugby, netball, hockey, ball skills, dodgeball.
We have the following external clubs running at school;
- football club for years 1 to 6
- gymnastics club before school for years 1 to 6
- tennis club for years 1 to 6
- dance class for years 1 to 6
- cricket coaching for children in years 4, 5 & 6 (during the summer months)
- judo club before school for years 1 to 6
Children in KS2 take part in a range of competitive and non-competitive sports within the Federation, our area Cluster and wider afield in the County.
Improvement in fitness levels measured at least twice a year that are shared by the children.
Dance performance to all parents .
Participation achievements in competitions across the whole range of sports.
Sports Day to all parents
Sports Awards Assembly.
Sports Newsletters termly to parents alongside the News board in school and weekly events update at our whole school assembly.
Successful Platinum Award status in summer 2022.