Design Technology at Frant
Intent - Train up a child...
- EVERYDAY SKILLS - We value design technology as a part of a broad and balanced curriculum. We intend for children to be confident in a variety of techniques, including designing, making and evaluating their own work. Through Design Technology, we encourage children to use their creativity and imagination, to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values
- FUTURE OPPORTUNITIES - We recognise the need for creativity and imagination to take forward into the world beyond primary school. We strive to give our pupils opportunities that will enable them to be happy, healthy and successful in the wider world.
- ONGOING ENQUIRY - We intend to expose children to Design Technology in the world around them and develop an appreciation of this work. A focus on enquiry as well as practice helps children to ask questions about how the design of a package or an architectural structure came to be.
- AWARENESS - We encourage our pupils to foster confidence and achievement.We recognise that we develop in different ways but all have the ability to make progress. Therefore our intention is to support children to recognise their strengths and weaknesses and instil a desire to improve.
To achieve our intentions, around the school you will see:
- Opportunities for pupils to produce creative and imaginative work. There is a focus on technique as well as an emphasis on the importance to explore their ideas and record their experiences.
- Well-planned lessons to support and yet enrich the differing needs of the learners.
- A supportive, stimulating environment which encourages children to learn to the best of their ability whilst being creative, imaginative and enthusiastic about Design Technology
- A culture of enquiry where each class chooses to focus on a specific genre or engineer to teach the skills and knowledge set out in the National Curriculum.
- A progression of skills threaded throughout the school, so that pupils build upon prior learning.
- Design Technology are taught as a process so that the children understand the need to plan to produce good quality outcomes.
- We work towards a goal, ensuring work is celebrates either around the school or in events.
The impact can be measured by:
- Children have an understanding of the design process, using a wide range of tools safely and with confidence.
- Children are able to understand and apply the principes of nutrition and learn how to cook.
- Children are able to evaluate their own ideas and work.
- Children have an understanding of significant figures and events in the history of design and engineering.