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Admissions process

Please  go the  website  https://www.eastsussex.gov.uk/educationandlearning/schools/admissions/ .  You will find lots of information on how to apply for a school place. The  website gives an explanation of the process parents should follow if they want to apply for a place for their child. It explains how we offer places in the event of oversubscription as well as arrangments for in year admsisions.  

Apply for a school at  Community and Voluntary Controlled (LA) schools

The priorities below will be used to decide who gets a place at community and voluntary controlled infant, primary and secondary schools.

1. Looked after children and children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or subject to residence orders or special guardianship orders) immediately following being looked after.

2. Children who will have a brother or sister* at the school (or linked junior school) at the time of admission and who live at the same address, within the pre-defined community area**.

3. Other children living within a pre-defined community area**.

4. Children who will have a brother or sister* at the school (or linked junior school) at the time of admission who live at the same address, outside the pre-defined community area**.

5. Other children.

*Children are ‘siblings’ if they are full, half, adoptive or foster brother or sister living in the same household including siblings attending sixth forms. **Each home address in the county falls within a community area although living in a community area does not guarantee a place.

Where a child has been unable to secure a place at a school in his/her community area and has been directed to attend a school outside the community area as an alternative, any applications for younger siblings to attend the school will be treated as if the family were resident in the community area, as long as the sibling will still be attending the school when the younger child starts.


In the event of oversubscription within any priority, place allocation will be decided by prioritising applications on the basis of home to school distance measured in a straight line. This will be measured from the address point in the school (supplied by Ordnance Survey) to the address point in the family home. For split site schools, we will measure to the site where the child will attend for the majority of lessons at the point of entry. In the event that applicants cannot be prioritised using the tiebreaker because the distance measurements are the same, the Authority will use random allocation to decide which children will be offered the remaining places. This will be done electronically using the Authority’s admissions software. 

Out of area siblings

Since September 2017, the admissions criteria give priority to children living in a community area (priority 3) above siblings who live outside of the area served by the school (priority 4). You can still apply for and get schools outside of your community area. However, there is no guarantee that younger children in your family will be able to follow their brother or sister. You will therefore need to consider the possibility that your children may end up at different schools if you send your child to a non-local school.

Factors not included

When schools are oversubscribed, the stated admissions criteria are applied to decide which children will be allocated places. Given this, you will need to bear in mind that it does not take account of:

• attendance at a particular school, pre-school or nursery setting. The only linked schools are those recognised under priority 3 for children moving from an infant to a junior school;

• any previous association you or your family may have had with a school;

• your profession or your working or child care arrangements; and

• any reference to a child’s ability or particular aptitude.

Contact Details

Frant  Church of England Primary School:
 Acting Executive Headteacher: Mrs Joanna Challis 
Phone: 01892 750243
Email frantoffice@thewealdfederation.org 
Address: Frant CE School
                     Church Lane
                     East Sussex
                     TN3 9DX

Local Authority:
East Sussex County Council
School Admissions,
Children’s Services,
PO Box 4, County Hall,
St Anne’s Crescent,
Tel:  03003 309472

The Published Admission Number
Frant has a published admission number (PAN) to the 2023 Reception year of 15 children.  This means that we will admit up to 15 children in the Reception intake. Additional children may be admitted if there are exceptional circumstances.


Starting the 2024 Year Group for the first time

Parents may apply for their child to start school for the first time in September following his/her fourth birthday. Application forms relating to starting school in September 2024 must be submitted by 15th  January 2024.

Late applications for people who have moved into the area will be processed as on time where there is proof of a change of address.  This would enable parent(s)/carer(s) to be considered as residents in the area, prioritising them ahead of other children who live further away than their new home address

If offered a place the child may attend either full-time or on a part-time basis as preferred.  However, a child becomes of compulsory school age when he/she reaches the age of five and, where registered at a school, must be attending on a full-time basis by the term following his/her fifth birthday.  Parents may choose to formally defer entry for their child until later in the year if he/she has not yet reached age five but cannot defer beyond the start of the last term in the academic year.

However, in the case of children born between 1st April and 31st August (summer born), parents may choose to defer their child’s entry to school for the entire academic year and start school in the following September (deferred entry).  In these circumstances, the child would be admitted to Year 1.  Parents may request that their child is admitted to the Reception year group the following year where they consider this would be in his/her best interest (delayed entry).  Parents must submit to governors the reason(s) for the request and the governors will consider this information when making their decision.  A request will only be supported where it is clearly in the educational interests of the child concerned and a place is available.  In cases of deferred or delayed entry, a fresh application must be made for entry the following year, and this will be subject to the same oversubscription criteria as other applications.


Admission to any year group during the 2023/24 academic year (in-year admission)

Do please feel free to call us to discuss whether we have places available. Applications should then be made via the following link: https://www.eastsussex.gov.uk/educationandlearning/schools/admissions/apply/

The term 'in-year' is used to describe any application for a school place that is not part of the process for children starting either primary or secondary school for the first time.

In-year appeals should be submitted by you within 20 school days of you receiving notification that your application was refused. The relevant admission authority must then arrange for your appeal to be heard within 30 school days of it being received by them.

Glossary and Definitions

A ‘parent’ in education law includes natural parents, whether they are married or not, or a person other than the natural parent(s) who has parental responsibility or care of a child or young person. (Having care of a child or young person means that person with whom the child lives and who looks after the child, irrespective of what their relationship is with the child).

Home Address:
You must state your child’s home address which should be a residential property that is your child’s main or only residence, and not an address at which he or she might sometimes stay or sleep. If your child regularly stays with another parent or relative and therefore has more than one address, the school place will be allocated based on the address at which your child spends the majority of weekday nights during term time. Documentary evidence of ownership or rental agreement may be required, together with proof of actual permanent residence at the property concerned. Places cannot be allocated on the basis of intended future changes of address unless house moves have been confirmed through the exchange of contracts or the signing of a formal lease agreement. An address used for childcare arrangements cannot be used as a home address for the purpose of applying for a school place. A fraudulent claim to an address may lead to the withdrawal of the offer of a place.

Looked after Children:
For admissions purposes, a looked after child is a child who, at the time of application, is (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989 applies).

For the purpose of the admissions process, a sibling is defined as a child living at the same address as a half or full brother or sister, an adoptive/foster brother or sister, a step-sibling or children of the same household

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