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Pupil Premium Strategy Statement Information


Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium is a government grant which is allocated to schools based on the number of children eligible for free school meals and the number of looked after children. Schools are entitled to spend their allocated Pupil Premium Grant in a way they think will best support the raising of the attainment and achievement for these children.

At Frant School, we are determined to give every child access to high quality teaching to enable them to reach their potential.   

Additionally Pupil Premium is used to remove any barriers to learning which may exist.  All pupils should be able to take part in all experiences that the school offers, regardless of their home circumstances. With this in mind some of the grant is used to subsidise residential trips, after school enrichment and other experiences which will allow these children to enjoy being at school and meet our vision of developing the whole child. 

No child is ever excluded from any experience because they cannot pay and the pupil premium helps to ensure we can afford to continue this philosophy.   

If your child does not have FSM but may be eligible because of your family’s income level, please contact the office (in confidence) to register them.  Even if you do not wish them to have the meals, this would mean the school could still claim Pupil Premium funding that would be used to help your child.  In addition to this,  children in KS1 who receive FSM whatever their circumstances can still be eligible for pupil premium funding.

Please note: No child is singled out for receiving Pupil Premium and the children are totally unaware of who receives this additional funding.

Plans and impact of PPG

Please review the documents below to see the plans for this academic year and the impact of the PPG during previous years.   

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