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Welcome to Chestnut Class

Term 6

Chestnut Class- Reception

Class Teacher: Miss L Maidman 

Teaching Assistants : Mrs L Montebello (Mon, Tues, Thurs mornings & Fri all day)
                                        Mrs C Salaman (Wednesday morning & Thursday afternoons)

Term 6: Mad about Minibeasts!

Phonics- Rhino Readers and Twinkl Scheme

Reception Children:
The children will start their Phonics journey when they first start. We will begin with Level 1 and 2 which will revisit songs and rhymes, making sounds and using body percussion - with a focus on speaking and listening skills. We will then move on to learning the first 19 most commonly used letters in the alphabet. 

Parent help sheets will be sent out with each new sound to support learning at home so please do take a look in your child's bookbag. You will be told when this first starts. 

Keywords: The children each have a personalised collection of keywords that they need to learn from sight. Some of these words cannot be sounded out, we call these tricky words. Instead these words need to be learnt and recognised by memory. Other words which can be sounded out are called high frequency words. These words are ones that appear often in books and would be beneficial for children to also recognise by sight as it helps with fluency when reading.
Once children are confident in recognising their keywords by sight extra ones will be added on. These words do not just need to be recognised on the keyring but also recognised by sight in their reading books. 

Please do have a look at our Phonics and Rhino Reader page on the school website: https://www.frantcep.e-sussex.sch.uk/esussex/primary/frant/site/pages/frantcurriculum/english/phonicsrhinoreaders 

Below is what we will be covering this term:

Phonics THIS TERM: We have now covered Level 2, 3 and 4 over the year. This term we will be focusing on revision of any sounds or elements that will help us moving forward into Year 1. 

Level 4 assessment & revision:

  • Week 1: Level 4 Assessment
  • Week 2: Level 4 Assessment 
  • Week 3:. Revision of Level 2, 3 and 4
  • Week 4: Revision of Level 2, 3 and 4
  • Week 5: Revision of Level 2, 3 and 4
  • Week 6: Revision of Level 2, 3 and 4


Tricky words: revision of all Level 2, 3 and 4 - in both reading and writing. 

Phonics assessments are just to see the attainment of each child and what they have retained from the current level. 


PE will be on Tuesdays  and Thursdays with Mrs Douch and Miss Maidman.

We will be focusing on Ball Skills

The children will need to come into school on those days in their kit. WE WILL BE OUTSIDE FOR PE THIS TERM - PLEASE ENSURE YOU BRING GLOVES AND WEAR AN ADDITIONAL LAYER UNDERNEATH PE KIT. 
Please ensure that all PE items are named and the children are wearing trainers with velcro- no laces please.

If possible, please try to clean the kit between these days as the children are very active during their PE lessons. 


Childrens reading books will be changed on  Monday.

Children will take home 3 books for the week:

  • Phonics level book
  • Reading for pleasure book (linked to reading level)
  • Library book

Please ensure you read with your chidren at home and write a comment in their reading record, that way we know the book has been read and we can see how children got on at home.


  • Please ensure your child has a named water bottle in school every day.
  • Children will be provided with a fruit or vegetable snack at morning break but please can you provide children with a snack for the afternoon- fruit or vegetable only.
  • Name all items of school uniform.
  • Keep soft toys and comforters at home (if your child really needs one in school then talk to them about it staying in their bookbag)- we would hate for it to get lost.
  • Please send children to school wearing outerwear that is appropriate for the weather as we will always endeavour to be outside for playtime. 
  • Please make sure that hair below shoulder length is tied back using discrete hairbands in school colours. 

How you can help

  • Encourage children to remember what they need to bring to school each day- bookbag, waterbottle, coat and hat.
  • Get children to carry their own bags and coats into school.
  • Read lots of books and discuss what is happening.
  • Stick to a good bedtime routine as children will get tired.
  • Encourage children to dress themselves- practise doing up zips, buttons and turning clothes the right way round.
  • Give children opportunites to mark make- writing name, forming letters and shapes, work on pencil grip.
  • Play lots of counting games and sing rhymes.
  • Please feel free to speak to us if you have any issues or concerns.  Also, if there is any home information we need to be aware of please let us know, however small.   

Phonics Websites and Resources


Teach your Monster to Read!- https://www.teachyourmonstertoread.com/ 

The Dinosaur's Eggs-High Frequency Words:  Focus on levels 1,2 and 3. You can go up to Level 5 if children are confident. https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/dinosaurEggsHF/index.html 


The Dinosaur's Eggs- Phonics: https://www.ictgames.com/dinosaurEggs_phonics/mobile/ 


Forest Phonics- Choose a sound and then listen to word which is read out before trying to spell it.  https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/forestPhonics/index.html


Viking Full Circle: Listen to the word you have to spell then select the correct letters to spell it. Click the wave and it will read out the next word for you to make. Continue until to make the first word you started with then say full circle! http://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/viking/index.html


Foam Phonemes: Choose different sounds to make words. Click on the letter to hear the sound. Can you repeat the sounds and then blend together to make the word? http://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/foamPhonemes/index.html

Useful Websites:


ICT Games for Literacy and Math


Vooks – Storybooks bought to life (1 month free)

Teach handwriting, Cursive practice

Teach Your Monster to Read

Cbeebies-Alphablocks & Numberblock

Phonics play-

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