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Forest School

What is Forest School?

Forest School gives children a chance to play freely outdoors, in a natural setting on a regular basis, with their classmates.

At Frant Forest School your child will cook outside, light fires, climb trees, build dens, make craft items and experience pond dipping.

Forest School is child led, so children can choose what activities they would like to do.

Forest School participants will be outside in all weather, and in all seasons for hours at a time.

Forest School Kit List

On Forest School days your child should come to school in their uniform, with their Forest school kit (all named) in a bag. They will change into Forest School clothes after lunch.


Forest School Kit, this kit will get muddy and wet.

Please ensure all items are named.

Children need to bring layers, old clothes or clothes that can get muddy.

  • Leggings or tracksuit bottoms
  • Long sleeve top, jumper
  • Wellies 
  • Waterproof trousers 
  • Waterproof coat with hood
  • Cup suitable for a hot drink and contents for example a hot chocolate sachet.
  • A named bag for items to go home in.


During cold weather please supply extra layers, including hat, gloves, scarf and socks. During hot weather please apply sunscreen before school, bring hat. No sandals, shorts or vest tops.

After Forest School your child may be tired, hungry and muddy, possibly all three.

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