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Term 6

We are artists

This term our topic is Amazing Africa.

Our 'big question' will be: What makes Africa so special and unique? 

Nelson Mandela Day: When is Nelson ...Worrying signs of a resurgence in South Africa rhino poaching - News Centre  - University of KentIn English, the children will be focusing on the book Amazing Africa and other non-fiction texts in order to write for different purposes, for example explanations and newspaper articles about the countries, animals and inspiring people of Africa.

We will also be reading from a range of other texts - non-fiction, fiction and poetry - in our Guided Comprehension lessons. These will also support our topic & RSHE learning.

Maths units for this term are:

Y5: Decimals; Negative numbers; Converting units; Volume and Capacity

Y6: Miss Maidman's Honeymoon project (weeks 1-2) and Our Theme Park project (weeks 3-4).

Year 5 will be completing their end of year assessments for maths in week 4, after which we will be revising and consolidating content we have learnt this year. 

Other topics this term are:

  • RE: What matters most to Humanists and Christians?  (General faith)
  • RSHE: Changing Me (including Relationships and Sex Education)
  • Science: Famous scientists project (home learning)
  • Music: Oliver!
  • Topic: South Africa (including home project - see below for more details)
  • Computing: 3D models
  • French: Clothes; shopping and money

This term our Christian value is Truthfulness

Whole school worship times will be based around this value and, in class, we will be exploring this value through our topic, art and Bible Stories.

Class Teachers:

Mon - Wed : Mrs Davey 

Thurs - Fri : Miss Human

The class are supported every morning by Miss Dewar. 

PE & extra curricular sport

PE will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays and the children will need to come into school on those days in their PE kit (navy blue shorts or jogging bottoms (no leggings) and white polo shirt with Frant logo. 

This term the children will be learning Cricket (Tues) and Tennis (Thur) with Mrs Douch and the class team. 

Please note that due to PE fixtures, some PE lessons may be moved or taught by the class teacher.

Mrs Douch will be running:

- cricket bowling and fielding skills in weeks 1-5 (Tuesday lunchtimes)


For Maths homework, Mental Arithmetic books will be sent home every Tuesday to be returned the following Monday for use in school, with the expectation that the children complete parts A and B of the page that we have worked on through the week - as well as going back to review any incorrect answers. Please do not go ahead in the booklet. On occasion, an additional maths activity may be set to do with the current topic that the children are learning. 

A Spelling, Punctuation or Grammar activity will be sent home in children's homework books on a Friday. This needs to be completed and brought back to school by the following Thursday. It will be marked and returned to the children that week. 

Spellings will be checked every Monday morning so the children need to practise their spellings at home so that they are prepared.

We expect the children to be reading at least 5 times a week. This can be done independently or with an adult, but will need to be recorded in homework diaries with the date, book title  and a short summary of what has been read (a sentence per day or short paragraph for the week) . A small reward will be given to children who record their reading at least 5 times each week. 

Spellings are available below under documents, should they need reminding.

We have two homework projects this term!  

1. We would like you to choose a famous scientist to research and create a small project about their impact on the world. 

2. We would like you to create a piece of artwork related to Africa. You can use any media you like to create this. 

You will need to bring your completed projects into school between Monday 1st July and Friday 5th July  to allow sufficient time for all projects to be shared with the class before the end of term. 

You may work with others, but groups must be no larger than 3.

Please see below in documents for additional information.  



  • Please ensure your child has a named water bottle in school every day.
  • Please send children to school wearing outerwear that is appropriate for the weather as we will always endeavour to be outside for playtime. 
  • Please make sure that hair below shoulder length is tied back using discrete hairbands in school colours. 
  • We are allowing the children to bring in their own stationery this year, in a simple, small pencil case (no flashing lights, toys attached etc!). Please ensure any stationery the children are particularly attached to is labelled as things do go missing.  This arrangement is subject to change if items are swapped/ lost/ argued over!!
  • Fidget toys of any kind are not allowed unless given direct permission from Mrs Davey, Mrs Reichel or Mrs Challis - please leave these at home. Children who are permitted to bring in fidget toys may bring in 1 small item that they must use appropriately.  This is to reduce distractions and disagreements within the classroom and on the playground. 
  • Mobile phones must not be brought to school, however if a child must bring a mobile phone to school for security/travel reasons then they must be handed into the office at the start of everyday. The school accepts no responsibilty for these. 
  • Please discourage children from bringing in anything that is not required. Our cloakroom is relatively small and with your help we can keep it tidy and ensure items do not become lost. 

Useful Documents

Art in Term 5 - Mexican Day of the Dead masks

The children created their own Mexican 'Day of the Dead' masks in art this term. They learnt about this important and special celebration. Day of the Dead happens in November and is a joyful time that helps people remember the deceased and celebrate their memory. The children explored colour and careful details, based on the culture and artwork of Mexico, in order to inspire their creations.

Term 5 - Mexican Project Presentations

Art in Term 3 - Maya Masks

In Art, the children designed their own Maya masks, based on the 3 different kinds of masks the Maya people created: celebration, battle and death masks. They used clay to make their masks with different types of tools to add detail. They then added colour by painting them once they were dry. The children were able to reflect on their learning, discussing how to improve and noticed their progress during the process, not just the end result. The main learning involved was to ensure the clay was thick enough so it didn't break! The children were very resilient as well as creative during each stage of the process. 

DT and History in Term 3 - Oak trip to Temper Temper

Inspired by our learning in topic on the Maya Civilisation, Oak class visited Temper Temper. They made their own chocolate Maya masks and learnt about the history of chocolate. The children learnt lots about how chocolate is made and wrote excellent explanation texts in English based on their research and the many facts we learnt during the trip.

Topic in Term 3 - Maya Project Presentations

Oak class presented their fantastic Maya projects to the class, based on our learning on the Maya Civilisation in topic this term. There were many wonderful and creative ways in which the children shared and discussed their work. 

DT in Term 2 - Felt decorations and phone cases

Oak class designed and sewed their own Christmas decoration and felt phone cases. They learnt about different types of stitches and how to use a needle and thread.

DT in Term 1 - Trip to Plumpton College farm and cookery session with 'Adopt a Chef'

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