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Computing at Frant

Intent - Train up a child...

  • AWARENESS - To promote online safety across the school community and for children to know how to be safe online. 
  • To SUPPORT children and to ensure they have exposure of and to experience using office products and a range of software to support their learning and to make sure that they are ready for Secondary School. 
  • To be able to use a range of devices effectively to complete simple tasks (for example; turning the computer on and off correctly - not just holding down the button!


To achieve our intentions, around the school you will see:

  • Parental workshops to help and support at home and at school. 
  • Up to date information sent out to parents.
  • Digital Leaders within school to promote online safety in and around school. 
  • To ensure that the curriculum is progressive and skills are built upon. 
  • Online safety is part of ALL Computing lessons that we teach. 
  • Children have access to and exposure of lots of different software and devices.
  • Technology used across a range of lessons, not just Computing. 


The impact can be measued by:

  • Come to our parent workshops! Details about our next one will be soon, so keep an eye out. 
  • Conversations with the children and regular reminders about how we stay safe online. 
  • Ask your children what they know and talk about online safety at home - you'd be surprised how much they know! 
  • Children are able to access technology and complete tasks - independently. 
  • Children are confident using different devices. 

Teach Computing

At Frant, we use the Computing Scheme, Teach Computing as the basis for our Computing curriculum. We also enocorporate 1 Online Safety lesson in every term for all classes. 

The documents below show what each year group will be learning in Computing this year as well as a whole school overview. 

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