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Music at Frant


Intent - Train up a child...

  • ​To give every child opportunities to develop a love and appreciation of music 
  • To enable every child to learn to play a musical instrument
  • To teach every child to read and write music using musical notation
  • To provide opportunities to listen to a wide range of music, both recorded and live
  • To  provide regular opportunities for children to perform, individually and with others, in front of an audience using voices and a variety of instruments
  • To give children an overview of the history of music


  • Dedicated, specialist music teacher to teach across the school, from YR to Y6
  • A well-planned, school-specific scheme of work for Music which is tailored to the needs of our school community
  • Weekly singing assembly to teach techniques, new songs and the skills involved in singing as a group
  • Regular live performances from a variety of musicians
  • Regular performance opportunities e.g. Music assemblies, festival celebrations (Christmas & Easter services), Key Stage 2 production
  • Involvement with Federation, County and Regional musical events, e.g. Federation Nativity, The Big Sing, Christ's Hospital Choral Day 
  • Extra-curricular activities, e.g. Choir, Recorder Club
  • Range of peripatetic instrumental teachers from local music schools offering individual and group lessons
  • Teaching music in conjunction with other subjects, e.g. music in history, the music of different countries and cultures


The impact can be measured by:

Talking to the children! The children will be able to share their passion for music and all of the different opportunities they have to be involved with music at school.

Talking to the parents! We communicate with parents regularly about musical opportunities and invite them to watch performances and join in with the musical elements of our worship as a school. 

Joining us for a performance! We have regular performances throughout the year where you can hear the children showing off their musical skills, including:

  • Key Stage 2 Carol Service & Lower School Nativity
  • One Voice at Glyndebourne (in conjunction with other schools in Kent & East Sussex) for Years 5 & 6
  • End of instrumental unit performances across the school
  • Dedicated music assemblies where individuals and groups can share their skills
  • A West End style production performed by Key Stage 2

Extra-curricular activities

Frant Primary School Choir has been involved in a number of school and community performances since its creation in 2017. We have performed at Frant Church carol service, Frant Christmas Market and Frant Memorial Hall for the service of Remembrance, as well as at care homes and community coffee mornings.  Children have the opportunity to join the choir in KS2. We meet during lunchtime once a week to prepare for all the major Christian festivals throughout the year, as well as Remembrance Day and the Year 6 Leavers' Service in July. 

Frant Recorder Club meets once a week at lunchtime during terms 3 and 5. We spend time practising together with the view to performing as a group in front of parents and the rest of the school in one of our regular music assemblies. Everyone is welcome, regardless of previous experience or playing level. 


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